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“He built this getaway, located only two hours away from Los Angeles, for the whole family to get together for reunions and holidays, and that’s what makes the property so special.” “Sammy Hagar is all about family,” says one of the listing agents, Tracy Tutor with Douglas Elliman. He then had the home completed in 2010 by Harrell Construction & Shell Properties of Riverside, CA. The rocker bought the property in 2009 for $2.3 million, at which point the home wasn’t yet finished. In January, the home was offered either as a rental or for sale, but now it’s solely listed for purchase. His fantastic French chateau on the water has come back on the market for $3.9 million. The singer and songwriter Sammy Hagar is hoping to record a sale of his home in Lake Arrowhead, CA.

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Peter Tran Photography, C Flanigan/Getty Images

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